Era Art Bar and Lounge: Art Gallery

Era Art Bar and Lounge

19 Grand Ave
Oakland, CA
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21 and over
Monday to Thursday:
4:30 pm - 10pm
4:30 pm - 1:30am
9pm - 1:30am
Happy Hour:
4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
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Freedom of Expression

Group art show that comments on the current political landscape, including artists:

Daisy Womack
Joey Yang
Diego Dominguez
Angel Diaz



Bud Snow

Bud Snow grew up acting, taking photographs, making collages, drawing, painting, dressing up, finding artifacts, making zines, skateboarding, moving a lot, making small films, writing plays, and pretending to have all kinds of careers! It was thrilling to dream, and to this day, it still is.

Bud Snow has worked creatively in Long Beach, San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, Bolinas, Santa Rosa, Sebastopol, Seattle, Bellingham, and Vancouver BC. Bud was owner and art director of the late Sloth Skateboard Company. Bud Snow makes small books, photographs, large installations, and public murals out of Oakland California.



Eugenia Loli

Eugenia Loli is a filmmaker and a modern vintage collage artist. Before art took over her life, she was in the technology sector. She is originally from Greece, but has lived in California for many years.

It's important for her to "say" something with her artwork, so the vast majority of her work has a meaning behind it. She does this by presenting a "narrative" scene in her collages; there is something bigger going on than what's merely depicted. Sometimes the scene is witty or sarcastic, sometimes it's horrific with a sense of danger or urgency, some times it's chill. She leaves it to the viewer's imagination to fill in the blanks of the story plot.



Kalani Ware

Kalani Ware is a visual artist from the Bay Area (Oakland). His work is influenced by society, the urban neighborhoods of the Bay Area and his roots of the beautiful islands of Hawai'i. Primarily focused in graphic design, Kalani has been making a name for himself as a artist in the Bay Area and around the world. Kalani has always been influenced by the street art culture and is fairly new to the mural scene, but has a lot to offer to the art world.

Kalani's abstract work is a representation of the world inside and around him, a collaboration of colors and textures that manipulate emotions and how we deal with them.



Michael Tunk

Michael Tunk takes photographs and magazines from the 1800’s-1980’s and re-contextualizes them into something beautiful. He takes refused detritus and spins a yarn of gold. He takes the weight from a hoarders home and fixes it into aesthetic candy. His pieces are never photoshopped, he uses only Xacto blades and what’s left of the bones in his wrists. Buy now before carpel tunnel grinds his hands to an octogenarian pugilist’s paws.



Ollin by Rosa De Anda & Lila Maes De Anda

Ollin, a Nahuatl word for movement, are large-scale wings reborn from recycled lath discarded from San Francisco Victorian homes. This collection demonstrates our ability to re-fabricate the future from the now by gathering from the past. We selected each piece of lath, constructing organic patterns true to the grain of wood, to reclaim the seeds and propel them into flight.

Lila Rosa Studios is a uniquely creative mother-daughter artist team based in San Francisco, California. For us, art is documentation of the human experience. It is the language we use to move through feelings relating to love, skin color, self-identification, environment, ethnicity, and economic privilege.

Much of our work is produced by re-fabrication old discarded refuse. Our intentional use of reclaimed materials mirrors our examination of cycles of birth, death, and transformation. Our creations are about embracing the flaws of each fragment and turning the imperfections into a beautiful whole that breathes new life.



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